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Health & Safety

Your well-being is our utmost priority. Please consult our health and safety guidelines below.

Injuries & Illnesses

Guests share various areas of the property, including the loggia, garden, and communal kitchen. Therefore, we kindly ask you to reschedule your visit prior to arrival if you have contracted any contagious diseases.

If you get ill or injured on our property, we can connect you with the most appropriate local clinic or hospital. Phone 112 immediately in the event of an emergency.

Please contact us promptly should you catch any illness that could affect the well-being of other guests.

Medical & Safety Equipment

We have a well-stocked EHBO first aid kit in the downstairs common area should you suffer any minor injuries.

The emergency evacuation route is on display in various areas of the building. Please familiarise yourself with this document upon arrival. All bedrooms have smoke alarms.

We have several fire extinguishers located throughout the property: the first-floor hall, the downstairs common area, the kitchen, and sidehouse. Please only use these in an emergency; any misuse may entail additional fees.

COW Safety

Cows roam the backyard of our tranquil rural property. Although these docile creatures aren’t aggressive, they may feel threatened when approached. Please observe our bovines from a safe distance of at least three metres.

If you notice anything unusual or concerning about our cows, contact the owner (Dries’ brother Tim) on 0032 476 742 156.

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